Registration is closed
日本人女性 | ¥1,000 at the door |
日本人男性 | ¥2,000 at the door |
外国人男性 | Free |
ワンドリンク制(ドリンク&フードは別途料金が必要になります。) |
★Social-networking & Culture-exchange Party in Tabata★
☆Free Campaign for Non-Japanese☆
We hold a party at Tabata many foreign students living in. It’s a great chance to make new friends, find language exchange partners, learn about other cultures, create personal connections of business and even find romance in a casual party atmosphere! All People who are interested in international exchange are welcome!
If you speak English and study Japanese, you will be paired with a Japanese native speaker who want to practice English. Having daily conversation together, you will help him/her with English, and in return, you will be helped with your Japanese. This way you can learn useful language skills in a relaxed and interactive way. Language exchange is the best way to learn foreign language because it is easy, cheap and useful.
Since September, Every Friday 19:00~22:00 (Last order 21:30)
Saturday 9/3 9/10 9/17 17:00~20:00
※You may be late
Non-Japanese: Free!
Japanese Female: 1000yen
Japanese Male: 2000yen
※Food & Drink : Cash Bar
※No Reservation/+500yen from above
※Minimum one drink per guest is required.
Meet up : Going Button
【What to bring】
■Passport / Foreigner Registration / Residency Card/Business card etc
※We will check ID for legal drinking age.
※There is no luggage storage, Please keep the valuable to yourself.
1-13-9 Higashi Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo
3min from Tabata Station
■Participation for the purpose of solicitation or invitation is NOT allowed.
Soliciting MLM (network business), religion, sales, and event organizers of the same industry are strictly prohibited. Once these are discovered, we eject them immediately.
■ Do not harass the female attendants.
We want to provide a pleasant space and time to the participants, Aggressive behavior toward female patrons is prohibited.
■9月以降毎週金曜日 19:00~22:00 (ラストオーダー:21時30分)
■9/3 9/10 9/17 各土曜日 17:00~20:00
■惣菜バル おためし屋
東京都北区東田端1-13-9 ツインビル田端B棟1F
田端駅 徒歩3分
株式会社地方総合研究所(通称:LGI)です。 「事業再生・地域活性化事業」と「地場産業支援事業」を得意とする企業です。 直営の【惣菜ばるおためし屋】でさまざまなイベントやセミナーを行っています! どうぞお気軽にご参加ください♪ 街の社員食堂【惣菜ばる おためし屋】 〒114-0013 東京都北区東田端1-13-9 ツインビル田端B棟1F tel 03-6807-7553 fax03-68...
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